OnePlusYou Quizzes and Widgets
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Sunday, September 5, 2010

The Things of My Dreams

This is a little poem I wrote that I thought I'd post. Be sure to check out more of my writing over at DeviantArt. Just go to to see more of my musings.

The Things of My Dreams

Leonardo Da Vinci and Galileo Galilei
These are the things that stay with me
These are the things inside my dreams

Thinkers of their day and age

Inspired hope and fear and rage
Their ideas provide me with much assuage

People fear that which is strange
Free thought today is called deranged
Lets hope those ideas will interchange

Until then I can only dream
Of Galileo Galilei
And all these things inside my dreams


  1. I like it, but holy cow, your blog is hard to read! Can you increase the contrast between your background and text?

  2. Thanks, I'll mess with it. I'm colorblind so it looks fine to me haha.

  3. Now it looks great! I wonder if my office computer wasn't reading it rightly.
